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Megan Moore Marketing Blog

Why every business needs a blog.

free resources Aug 23, 2022

Why Blogging is so Important for  EVERY Business 

You are a reputable business owner with an established expanding company. You may sell and install siding, maybe you advise on corporate financing. You may be a swimming instructor, graphic artist, professional coach, or online influencer. Your clientele are aware of what you have to offer, and the quality of your service speaks for itself. So, why would your reputable company need to engage in blogging? 

Friends, the answer is for the same reason respectable businesses post 280 characters at a time on Twitter and fill their Instagram feed with gallery photos - only better.


Because once you've built a blog, it becomes your inbound marketing foundation, a history of your story, and a valuable knowledgebase for your leads and customers.

Despite the silly-sounding nomenclature, "Blogging" is serious business, and it's something every single business in any market or niche should be doing in 2022.

Here's why:


Reasons Why Blogging is Important for Any Business

Reason 1: It Is the Foundation of Your Multi-Channel Marketing

First and foremost, a good blog is the foundation of all your multi-channel marketing. Blogs are your long-form content, where each article can explain a larger concept, walk through a complete process, or share a story illustrated with photographs of your work. From there, you can easily clip out the best quotes and paired photos to build an entire mini-campaign through social media, image platforms, and more hype-based channels from each and every blog. 

Your blog is the foundation of your marketing and social media platform strategy because each blog provides somewhere compelling, useful, and authority-positioning for those social media clicks to go, in addition to providing inspiration for the posts themselves. Then, at the end of each blog, your call to action which turns social media clicks into top-of-funnel conversion.


Reason 2: Your Blog Lives On When the Hype Fades

A story on Instagram lasts 24 hours. A Twitter post may be relevant for an even shorter time. No matter how solid your social media marketing strategy, each post is short-lived and so is the generated hope. A blog, however, lives on to keep telling your story and drawing those inbound marketing search results long after the Inta' story fades and the Twitter tweet is forgotten. If someone is searching "tiny home fire pit areas" in 2026, your blog will still be there even if we've moved on to three new top social media platforms yet unheard of. 

In fact, you can even freshen up those old posts, add a few recent facts, and launch an entirely new social or multi-channel campaign from your best historical blogs and rebuild that temporary hype all over again.


Reason 3: Your Blog is Also a User Knowledge Base

Let's not forget that every blog you write is not just useful as a marketing asset. A well-built blog full of useful answers, guides, and expert tips can be neatly organized into a modern self-service knowledge base that grows with each new blog you write. Knowledge-bases contribute to conversion and customer retention, as they allow your leads and clients to seek their own answers and immerse themselves in your team's expert advice. 

A knowledge base builds authority, increases retention, reduces stress on your customer service lines, and makes your blog look darn good when new leads wander in through successful inbound marketing strategy.


Reason 4: Your Blog is a Lasting Inbound Marketing Resource

Your blog is not just there when the hype fades. Your blog not only lasts as a knowledge-base. It is also a long-lasting inbound marketing asset. Use the right keyword clusters again and again and your topics, blog, and website will begin appearing more consistently over time in searches related to your business. That SEO needs to be refreshed from time to time, but once you dominate your keywords and have built Google-granted expert authority points on the back-end (backlinks, credentials, etc), your blog - even older posts - can continue to generate inbound marketing results for years.


Reason 5: The Decline of Social Reach is Really Happening

Organic social media traffic began to decline in 2019 and, despite the quarantine and remote-connected activity, that decline has continued so far and seems to keep going. Over the last ten years, Facebook has moved from 16% reach to 6%. Instagram has decreased from 25% reach to 16%. This is not just a plateau, it's a slide down. That means it's time to develop organic outreach and inbound marketing methods that do not rely so heavily on social media - and your blog plays a big role in that.

As your primary on-site marketing resource, your blog can serve to continue the tempo of interesting, useful, and authoritative content and become the foundation for whatever comes after social media.


Reason 6: Your Blog Can Make Money

A blog is also a potential money-making asset. A blog that gets a lot of reader traffic can sell ad space, but that' just the tip of the iceberg. Experts can host paid courses and webinars, then leave the gated recordings in the blog with a tempting summary. Influencers and solopreneurs often use affiliate marketing - promoting the products and brands they already love - for extra income.

Your blog can be used to explain how your products, share testimonials and use-cases, and show off a product's features to boost your own sales, as well.


Reason 7: Blogging Reduces Burnout

The last reason, and my personal favorite, for writing a business blog is that it reduces burnout. Whether you are a solopreneur, the heart of your small business, or an expert on the team; sharing your expertise and pouring out your pro tips into blog articles is a great way to actually unwind, and even get those work-related thoughts off your mind by putting them "on paper."

Not only are you sharing those pointers you have always wanted to give a big speech about in your head; once you schedule that post, you can go enjoy all the beautiful things outside of your business! 



Pro Tips to Start Blogging

Not sure how to get started building a professional blog? Here are three pro tips that can help anyone begin a blog full of useful tips and expert insights that your customers will want to read.

Think of 2 Things You Know

First, think of two things that you know about your product or business. Something you can explain fully, that you have total understanding of. It might be the cool latching mechanism invented by your engineering team to avoid pinched fingers. It might be the story of a recent client (no names) and the project you did for them.  One example from our CEO is Tiny Home Design

See how these draw on personal experience, while also being topics that readers are curious about.

Just Write From Your Expertise and Experience

Don't worry about SEO or keywords just yet. Simply write what you know. Write as if you were talking to a customer who is smart, but not an expert in your field. Just let it happen and then read it once through for punctuation, spelling, and the like. Chances are, these will be some of your best and most natural blogs.

Write What You Want Your Leads/Customers to Know

From there, think of more topics that you want to explain to customers, answer frequent questions in depth, spotlight recent projects, or get your other team experts involved to get on their soap boxes and write some great stuff. THen you can start worrying bout SEO and long-term blogging strategy.


Why You Should Be Blogging

A blog is a powerful asset for any business. Whether you're writing how-to guides or lifestyle tips, your blog reflects the expertise and brand experience that your entire team has to offer. It is the core of your inbound marketing strategy, the central resource of many social media campaigns, and can become a valuable knowledge-base over time. Even in 2022 you should be blogging for increased web traffic, lead generation, ad tracking, and so much more. Contact me today to learn more of what you need to know to build a powerful business blog.

If you need a STRATEGY, some guidance with your blog - reach out to our team we love setting up foundational marketing strategies for businesses! 

- Megan 

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