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Why Social Media Alone Isn't A Marketing Plan

goals marketing social media target audience Mar 06, 2024

We know that social media is always changing but it still proves itself to be a strong force for helping modern day businesses to succeed. We also know that social media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and that it has the potential to increase your reach and engagement in a massive way. However, we believe that ONLY using social media is not a whole marketing strategy. Not to mention when Facebook and Instagram were down this week, it is a good idea to have other ways to market your business in the event that you can’t even use social media!

To truly utilize your marketing efforts let’s take a look at what we at Megan Moore Marketing KNOW you should keep in mind while creating a marketing plan.


1. Identify Your Target Audience - Who You Want To SPEAK Directly To:


Before diving into any marketing plans, it's important to have a clear idea of who you're trying to speak to with your marketing. That’s what we call: your target audience. Your target audience helps you form the foundation to build up your entire marketing strategy from. In other words it will influence what actions you take in your marketing day to day. It can be helpful to take some time to sit and research your ideal audience. Ask yourself: Are you looking to attract people in their 30’s-40’s, all ages? Are you looking to attract women only? Are you looking to work with people with children? By deciding who you want to speak to, you can tailor your marketing to really hit home with their specific needs. Which means that you can help the people that you most want to help!


2. Define Your Goals - What Do You Want To Achieve With Your Business:


For this one, ask yourself questions like: What do you hope to achieve through your marketing? Do you want to create 10 new leads each month and convert at least 1 to a sale? Do you want to build your email list to 10k by the end of the year? Whether your primary goal is to boost brand visibility, drive sales, or generate leads, defining clear and measurable goals is essential for guiding your strategy in a direction that creates success. Your goals can then serve as what drives your actions moving forward and allows you to make sure that your efforts are actually helping you achieve the goal that you laid out. No being left to wonder if what you’re doing is even working - Can I get an AMEN! We believe that it is essential to the success to create goals that help you in the long run to achieve big things BUT also to ensure that you know where your business is going and how to get there. By aligning your actions (the work you do!) with your goals, you can ensure that every marketing decision contributes to you REACHING YOUR GOALS. Curious what some of our FAVORITE forms of marketing outside of social media are - check it out here.


3. Embrace Short AND Long-Form Content:


While social media without a doubt plays an important role in modern marketing, we recognize that it represents just one part of a marketing content strategy. That being said, it is still important to embrace both short and long form content for your business. Short-form content is characterized by it being quick to consume and easy to watch. It thrives on platforms like Instagram (check out an example here), and offers quick bursts of information, engagement and entertainment. Long-form content is along the lines of blogs, podcasts, and YouTube videos. This type of content provides a chance to explore complex topics on a deeper level or share your knowledge on something that is your expertise and also includes running consistent ads. By using both short and long-form content in your marketing strategy, you can adapt to your audience in ways that fit into how they enjoy your content. 


So while social media undeniably holds immense potential as a marketing tool, it should not be viewed as a standalone solution. To create an effective marketing plan, it's essential to consider these three factors, your target audience, business goals, AND your content strategy. Everything we do in marketing has the ability to be measured, so make sure you know what you want to achieve with your marketing plan. 

We also know that trying to figure all of this out on your own can be a huge task - TEXT our team today (403) 813-7520 to set up a 1 hour consultation to go over your CURRENT marketing and find out what gaps you have.

*Please note that there is a fee for our consultation calls of $197.

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