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Megan Moore Marketing Instagram

4 Reasons to Use Instagram's New 'Note' Feature for Business

free resources instagram marketing meganmooremarketing tips Jul 26, 2022

Instagram is constantly rolling out new updates and features with a focus on tackling main business issues and helping users support their favorite brands. Currently, they're testing a new feature that has many users abuzz - Instagram Notes. 

This feature is a game-changer for agencies and brands looking to boost engagement and drive action on their platforms. With Instagram Notes, you can now post short disappearing announcements and updates that will appear in the inbox section of your app. 

But the big question is: will this new feature encourage more social engagements and conversations in the DMs? If so, how can you use it to drive immediate engagement on your platform and win more clients?

Here's everything we know about the Instagram Notes feature, including how you can use it to spice up your social media marketing strategy

What Are Instagram Notes?

Instagram Notes allow you to post quick notes to your "Close Friends" list or followers you follow back. 

For millennials, this is similar to Windows Live Messenger/MSN or blackberry messenger (BBM) status updates. People would share updates on their status with users they're connected to. This could prompt their online friends or respond back. 

So, when someone replies, the reply will start a chat between you and them. Your other followers won't be able to see who has replied to or viewed your Instagram Notes. 

This amazing feature is similar to Twitter's Notes feature, which enables users to post long-format content. Instagram's new version, however, is more like sticky notes that usually disappear in 24 hours. Plus, the Notes can only be 60 characters in length. 

While you won't get a notification about Notes, you'll be able to view them for 24 hours in your app and reply to them via messages. 

Can Everyone Access Instagram Notes?

At the moment, this feature is in the testing stage, meaning Instagram is yet to make it permanent. In fact, some users are yet even to notice it on their apps. 

This doesn't come as s surprise as Instagram often tests out new features in stages. Doing this helps them understand how different brackets of the users interact with the features. 

That said, if you're running a small business and loved the idea of MSN statuses or even WhatsApp; this might be something you'd like to include in your social media marketing strategy. 

Benefits of the Feature

Every entrepreneur wants to reap the merits of using Instagram Notes to get more clients. 

With over 500 million daily active users and over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram, as a whole, has made much progress since its beginning, and businesses are now starting to take note. 

So, how can you use some of its features, such as the Instagram Notes, to reach out to generate sales and leads?

Here are four benefits of using Instagram Notes for your business:

1. Less Focused on Perfect Photos and More Focused on Social Interaction

Instagram Notes provides a platform where you get to interact with your clients daily and get their valuable feedback. Since your clients are just a DM away, you can easily build trusting relations with them by constantly handling their feedback and interacting with them.

You can also use it to showcase your products and services. And if you make a comprehensive social media marketing strategy, this feature can help you place your products and services at the top of your clients' minds. 

One of our main aims with Instagram is to increase your visibility and show your clients that you have what THEY need. Through our reliable marketing strategies, we've helped most of our customers increase their reach by up to 700% within just 30 days. 

We can help you get in front of your target audience, so when they need your products/services, they think of you first. 

2. Quick and Easy to Use 

Instagram Notes are quick and easy to use. They allow you to get out a message quickly without having to worry about designing creative posts and high-quality photos. 

To post Instagram Notes, you simply need to:

Open Instagram Direct

Open your Instagram app and click on Direct at the top right corner. Then, click on the "+" to create your Instagram Note. 

Compose Your Instagram Note

Now type your Note into the compose box. Your Instagram Note can include emojis and hashtags to improve readability. Note that you can't include any media (videos, images, gifs) in your Instagram Notes. 

Choose Your Audience

Instagram Notes gives you two alternatives on who can see your post: your close friend's list or followers you follow back. Once you've selected your target, click "Share" at the top right corner. 

2. Interactive

Modern consumers are spoiled with options, so they demand attention from businesses and brands. Since Instagram Notes is interactive, it gives you a better platform to engage with your clients and make them satisfied. 

Through this feature, you can ask questions, update your followers on current events and acknowledge their Instagram efforts. That way, you'll be able to build long-term relationships with your followers and gradually turn them into loyalists or even brand advocates. And remember, creating stronger relationships with lesser people can easily increase sales conversions. 

3. Easier for Content Creators

Using Instagram Notes is way less time-consuming. You can quickly pop in, write a note and close the app! Reels, stories, videos and images take tons of time to create and can get quite competitive - not everyone is a 'video producer'. So, if you're more text-based, this feature will help you stand out as you'll only need to publish a 60-character, well-edited note.  

Leverage Instagram's New 'Note' Feature to Create Engaging Content 

Marketing is always evolving, and you have to keep up with what is going on in order to be in front of your customers or ideal audience ALL the time. Evolve or ...disappear, as they say! 

You don't want to ONLY use this one feature -- just like every great marketing, add it to your strategy. And if you don't have a strategy - reach out to our team by filling out the contact form below. So go ahead add it to your strategy or reach out and we can create a plan for you. 


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