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Mob Wife Trend and Marketing with Megan Moore Marketing

Mob Wife Era: Navigating Trends in Marketing

blog instagram social media marketing Jan 25, 2024

As you navigate the world of marketing, we want to offer valuable insights into the art of incorporating trends while staying true to your brand. The Mob Wife Era serves as an exciting case study, demonstrating how businesses can ride the wave of trends without losing their authenticity. By following the 80/20 rule and putting a personal spin on trending content, you as a business can create a vibrant online presence that speaks to YOUR audience.

In this video we chat all about the trend, give you some ideas and insight into the Mob Wife Era and how GREAT it can be for visibility (like all trends!).

Make sure you Subscribe to our channel on YouTube to get notified of other great chats and marketing tutorials. 

For a deeper dive into the discussion on the Mob Wife Era and effective trend integration in marketing, check out the linked video. Share your experiences with trends and let us know which ones have worked for you or presented challenges. Remember, in the dynamic world of marketing, finding the right balance is the key to sustained success.


The Power of Trends in Marketing

Picture this: your content going viral, your brand soaring to new heights! That's the power of trends, they have the ability to propel your content into the limelight, providing an opportunity to expand your reach and create a buzz around your brand.The use of micro-trends, viral songs, and funny reels can significantly boost engagement. Our latest Youtube video, "How and When to Hop on Marketing Trends," emphasizes the importance of aligning trends with your brand identity to ensure authenticity.


Decoding the Mob Wife Era Trend

The Mob Wife Era, a recent discovery for me thanks to my team member Cierra who has FULLY embraced the trend (check her out in this reel), has taken the internet by storm with its distinctive elements – big hair, faux fur coats (I am a vegatarian let’s remember!!), and a dash of gold.

We as a team at Megan Moore Marketing want to encourage businesses to embrace trends like the Mob Wife Era with a unique twist. The key is to make the trend your own, creating content that resonates with your brand while leveraging popular hashtags and audio clips associated with the trend.


Striking the Right Balance – 80/20 Rule

Building on the concept of a strong foundation, I want to emphasize the importance of balance in content creation. The 80/20 rule80% original content and 20% trending content – serves as a guideline for your business. Too much reliance on trends can overwhelm your audience and dilute your brand message. We suggest that businesses should focus on what makes them unique, incorporating trends strategically to maintain a more cohesive online presence.


The Pros and Cons of Trend Hopping!

Now, let's spill some real tea on the pros and cons of riding the trend wave.


  • Visibility Boost: Trends can catapult your content into the spotlight, gaining more eyeballs and engagement.

  • Community Building: Hopping on popular trends can create a sense of camaraderie with your audience and like-minded trend enthusiasts.

  • Influence Magnet: Riding the trend wave positions you as an influencer, with your take on the latest crazes.


  • Authenticity Clash: Going all-in on a trend that doesn't align with your brand may come off as inauthentic, leading to a loss of trust.

  • Overwhelm Alert: Constantly chasing trends can be exhausting, leading to burnout. Balance is key!

  • Trend Saturation: Too much trendiness can dilute your brand message, leaving your audience confused about your core identity.

Here are three ways you can you use the Mob Wife Era content for your own business

  1. Use the hashtags that are trending on Instagram - #mobwifeeara #mobwifestyle #mobwifetrend 
  2. Use trending audios that are related to the trend - check out our reel HERE and use the audio to re-create your own 
  3. Put your own spin on it -- create an instagram story showing you getting ready for YOUR MOB wife boss era -- getting ready for work, life, mommy hood -- whatever that is. Have some fun! 

Remember, it's not about tackling every trend but rather choosing those that seamlessly complement your brand personality. By striking a thoughtful balance between innovation and authenticity, you can leverage the power of trends without losing the distinct voice that sets your business apart.

Sending good marketing vibes your way - 

Team Megan Moore Marketing 

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