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My first $1000 from my FIRST online course

new entrepreneur Aug 17, 2021

How did I make my first $1000, from online courses?

I’ve got a secret to share – the first $1000 I made had nothing to do with fancy Instagram accounts or awesome Pinterest strategies, actually, it had very little to do with online marketing.

I wasn’t using EITHER them yet – because I didn’t know how (eek) I had 114 people following me on my Facebook business page and those 114 were probably most of my family. (#thanksmom)

My first few sales in the online world – came from IN PERSON connections. It was all me, standing in front of real women, SHOWING them my excitement for life, my passion for health & telling them about my incredible program that was coming up called “The Signature Life”.

This was not EASY, but it was also not hard. Let me explain: because I focused energy building up my presence in PERSON at events – it was way easier to show people that I was about to launch an online course.

Avon parties, Stella and Dot parties, whatever parties someone was hosting I was there — ready to ‘network’, and get VISIBLE in my own community.

This sounds crazy – but when you’re about to launch an online business or course and sell it, it’s just like a new relationship, it’s about trust, it’s about knowing someone before you ASK for something quite intimate (a sale). When people TRUST YOU and know you and feel that they NEED your products (aka you solve a problem in their life) they will BUY FROM YOU.

My $100 packages sold, because I asked – because I literally KNEW that the $100 would get them big results. I knew it would feel great to be part of that community — and I also knew that $100 was all that I felt comfy asking for at the time.

So how did I ask? I knew I needed 10 sales to make $1000, I also knew I needed to learn how to ACCEPT money. That may sound crazy – but I had never been a business owner before- and asking for the sale was not going to come easy.

I had no testimonials, no results, and also no real evidence that I could provide a service…so I had to create a little bit more.

I decided to call my first online course buyers “Founding” Members…because they were – they were helping my online world come to life.

But it felt EASY – because I knew that my program would get them results.

I found 10 amazing women to be part of this, I asked them personally – some were probably favours, others were friends but… I showed them everything I had.

I spent $200- $300 on food and wine at a local Sorso Coffee Shop Airdrie, I gave them gifts and I nurtured them like they had literally invested 1 million dollars into my company. Because those first few matter the most — you never forget them, you always remember, and you always value what they did for you.

Not just financially but emotionally – your confidence feels better, you realize — I can do this – because you can.

That’s how I made my first $1000 – hustle, heart, passion and a clear vision that it would grow. A lot of trust in myself even though truly I had never done it before, and of course ASKING people who were in FRONT OF ME. Was my program worth more than $100 – YES….did I spend a lot on them YES. But — without those first 10 women — I had no ‘street cred’.

I totally know you can do this — wherever you are – time to take that idea and start growing it.

– Xo Megan


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