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I am a STRONG believer in Educational Content…and you should be too!

free resources new entrepreneur Aug 03, 2021

Most of the purchases we make are because we ‘know’ the product. Minus the ones you do at 11pm after a few glasses of wine (like magnetic lashes – oops!).

Have you ever learnt about something and then discover that you WANT IT, that you feel connected to it and you’re looking for that checkout button, the credit card comes out because YOU KNOW that product -and you trust it?

Been there, done that – and do it at least weekly.

When I watch an online class from a fitness instructor, or someone teaching about self-care — I end up on their website checking it out to see their products, and buy!  

Which is why I am a STRONG believer in Educational pieces of content! 

These are not posts, status or blogs where you SELL, they are specifically meant to SHOW people inside your products a bit more -how, why, what, who – are all great examples. I also got more specific and put together a list of 20 specific ideas (Get it here) 

What is educational pieces of content? 

1) Teach people something – from a behind the scenes video to your top ingredients used – people WANT TO see it and will feel more  connected to your products. 

2) Be okay with letting them in on a few secrets! Like our top pieces of education content (the ones that grew our list the most! Click here to see one of OUR best

3) Think like a gramma – Your grandma does not KNOW what you do day in day out in your company. She may not even know what your product is – so when creating your educational piece of content think “what would gramma wanna know, and HOW can I teach it to her”. 

4) Set the time aside — for every darn thing in your business this comes up. TIME BLOCK – when are you working on your educational pieces of content and WHEN are you releasing it out into the world. Get specific with yourself — and do the work. 

5) Think of your FAVOURITE companies — the next time you see an ‘educational’ piece of content ask yourself WHY are you so interested in it? Does it spark a sale? 

6) Be open to asking your audience — What are they curious about? No audience – no problem ask your gramma (there she is again!) what she WANTS to know about your product/ business/ company! 

7) Be OKAY with screwing this up — you will ONLY get better (unless you quit — and you’re not quitting right?)

Being a business owner is an incredible thing, educating people is EXCITING, and you will see an increase in sales once you NAIL that piece that people are waiting for (and yup— it may take some time!) Make it fun, valuable and of course — if it’s not something you would watch click on or  be entertained by —  it’s probably that way for others.

Leave a thought below in the comments, out of the 20 ideas – which one can you see yourself doing?   👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

-Megan xo

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