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How Often Should You Post on Social Media?

growth strategies marketing social media Mar 20, 2024

When it comes to posting on social media, the one question that seems to be on top of everyone’s mind is: How often should I even be posting? It's a totally valid question to ask and one that comes from usually – wanting to increase the number of views on their reels, or posts. In a space where attention spans are getting shorter and algorithms are constantly changing, trying to maintain a consistent presence online can be hard but is also necessary. 

But how do you find the right balance between staying at the front of someone’s mind with what you have to offer and not just completely overwhelming your audience?

Let's break it down! And what we are teaching is not for you to go VIRAL, this is maintenance. And maintenance means - keeping your lights open so people know you are still open for business!


We call it The Maintenance Formula!

Two Reels, One Carousel Post Per Week

In other words, 2 short form videos that are quick to consume and 1 post that goes into more detail, every single week.

When it comes to social media, consistency is key.

I know you have heard that a million times at this point, but it really is true! That's why we recommend posting two reels per week AND one carousel post to serve as a solid foundation for what we like to call the "Maintenance Formula." But what exactly does this mean, and why is it crucial for your online presence? Great question!

Maintenance, in this context, isn't just about simply keeping your lights on - it's about ensuring that when someone stumbles onto your content or goes looking for what you offer, they see that you're still active, engaging and open for business! Think of it as leaving a welcome or open sign hanging on the door of your virtual storefront. 


When you stop posting, it's basically like hanging up a "closed" sign and turning out the lights, signaling to potential customers that you're no longer available for their business. 


Even if that wasn’t what you meant to display to the people who come across your content.


A consistent posting schedule is also about creating a genuine connection with your audience. Creating that human connection with actual people! Imagine only hearing from a friend when they need something from you - it feels kind of like they only want from you, not so much like they are a good friend, right? The same principle applies to social media. Posting solely when you want to sell comes off as super unappreciative to your audience and, frankly, a bit icky - I’m sure we’ve all experienced this before!


Instead, try to focus on providing value with your content. I’m talking about quality over quantity here. Reels are quick and easy to consume and can increase visibility and your businesses reach. Making them a simple tool for growing your audience. Meanwhile, carousel posts or sometimes they are called static posts, offer an opportunity to show content with more detail. Which will encourage the social media scrollers to spend more time on your account. And here's the best news: more time spent on your account signals to the algorithm that your content is worth promoting!! Which will increase the likelihood of it being shown to more people. With this knowledge you can find ways to use the algorithm to your advantage.


As you can see, The Maintenance Formula is very simple but it can take away that panic moment of “Am I posting too much?” or “Am I not posting enough?” or “How many times a week should I even be posting?!” (Dig deeper into finding your Social Media sweet spot!)


AND remember, social media success isn't just about the frequency of your posts - it's about the quality of your content and the connections you create with your audience. By using a consistent posting schedule and focusing on adding value with your content, you can ensure that your virtual doors remain open to all who are looking for what you have to offer or for those who simply happen to come across your content and it resonates with them! 


Bonus secret: We BELIEVE in using that consistency and content value to create sustainability in your business.


Now that we know the importance of consistent posting, you might be wondering how the heck to manage it all on your own…on top of serving your customers it is unrealistic to think you can also post – just to maintain. 


We believe and feel strongly that EVERY business needs a social media manager. That's where we come in and the good news is you don’t have to do it all on your own.

Our maintenance posting package is designed to take some of the stress off of content creation and scheduling, allowing you to focus on what you do best - Running your business and living your best life!

Reach out to us for a custom proposal tailored to your specific needs. We've got you covered. Text (403)813-7520 today and ask about our maintenance posting package.

Fill out the form and our team will send a proposal!