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Facebook Ads & Funnels with Jennifer Spivak

facebook new entrepreneur podcast Jul 27, 2021

If you have spent money on Facebook ads, or are wondering how the heck a FUNNEL even works  our guest Jennifer Spivak is incredible.

Jennifer Spivak & her team have managed over $3 million dollars in advertising spend and generated over $10 million dollars of revenue for her clients.

She was featured in Forbes, is a domestic violence survivor, and gives back 5% to Freeform. This woman speaks to my soul & is aligned in every way with Megan Moore Marketing. 

I know so many of you are going to have the A-ha moments while you listen to this episode. Before spending any money or asking how much you should spend on Facebook ads I recommend listening and taking notes. 

Spending money on marketing DOES make a difference in your online business, and Jennifer gives us some of her best tips today. 

Press PLAY to listen on Itunes

Press PLAY to listen on Spotify 

Find Jennifer HERE.

What do we chat about in this podcast episode?

  • Facebook ads are NOT the solution to your “business problems”
  • Why Danielle Laporte called her the CIA of Facebook Ads 
  • Who does her agency work with? 

Make sure you leave a comment on our Instagram once you’ve listened and tell us what resonated with you!

Lots of love – The team at MMM  xo

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