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Celebrating Success: We want to celebrate YOU!

business milestones entrepreneurship growth strategies meganmooremarketing success stories Dec 12, 2023

In business, success is often measured by the bottom line—money and sales. At Megan Moore Marketing, we believe it's time to break the silence surrounding financial accomplishments and openly CELEBRATE the hard work, dedication, and triumphs that come with achieving milestones. Which is why we are starting something new… features, to celebrate YOU, to help provide inspiration to others – to see that wherever they are – they can GROW! 


Let us explain;


The Power of 250K and Beyond

Alright, imagine this: You're sipping your morning coffee, and boom! You realize your annual sales have skyrocketed past $250,000. We get it, and we want to celebrate that accomplishment but more important celebrate the fact that YOU did it. And doing it means – well that’s what we want to know! 


How did you get there? What struggles did you have? What really led you to this point? What were some of the moments you wanted to BREAK DOWN and throw in the towel (aka give up!) 


Rather than a podcast – we want to do it in a way where people can actually SEE some of the steps that you took to achieve “success”. Because – selling 250k in products or services or anything doesn’t happen overnight….and if it did, that’s great but we want to hear What you did in that one night – to get there ;) 


How are we going to do this??

We want to feature the inspiring stories of business owners who have successfully navigated the challenges of entrepreneurship to reach this significant milestone. 


We'll explore the growth strategies, pivotal moments, and valuable lessons learned along the way. If you're a business owner with an annual sales of $250,000 or more, we invite you to share your journey with us, fill out this form and inspire others on the path to success! 


Here’s how it works: 

You fill out the form and our team will read through your answers and reach out to have a quick chat to put together the feature! All the chats are done via whatsapp voice, or text – because we know you’re BUSY! 

This is a genuine celebration of WOMEN who have achieved remarkable feats. If you're new here, you'll know that championing women in business is a profound passion of mine.


In the business realm, things are different for us—statistically, we receive lower pay, juggle more responsibilities, and, notably, the landscape has shifted since the pandemic. I personally lost my business – had to rebuild and start charging 1 ⁄ 4 of what I charged pre-pandemic to build up my OWN self worth….how crazy. 


But I am sure you can relate. Or read more from the Forbes article. 


What I absolutely adore about being a woman in business is that I get to embrace the fact that I accomplish a great deal, and more importantly, I have the autonomy to determine my own compensation. While that may vary each year, I cherish the freedom of not having a boss and the freedom to CHOOSE. 


Let's showcase to the world all that you've been achieving. Let's celebrate you. 


And, more importantly, let's empower other women by sharing your experiences so they can confidently say, 'I can do that too.' I'm here to thrive in the realm of women's business—care to join me?"


But this isn't merely about celebrating the money you've created in sales; it's so much more than that, obviously. It's about celebrating the time, commitment, perseverance, and love you've poured into something you created. The number—for us—is a point that we know took time to achieve. So, we're doing two features—one for the new-ups and the second for the glow-ups (that's you).

Let's showcase to the world all that you've been achieving. Let's celebrate you. And, more importantly, let's empower other women by sharing your experiences so they can confidently say, 'I can do that too.' I'm here to thrive in the realm of women's business—care to join me? xo

Startup Spotlight: Embracing the Journey

Startup entrepreneurs or what I call the ‘glow ups!’, the ones with the awesome energy and ideas….and we instantly want to be in their circle because – they’re GLOWING!, 


The startups are the backbone of innovation and creativity, and with that comes a unique set of challenges in their early years. Starting from scratch is not easy, but it's where the magic happens. 


Which is why we want to celebrate YOU – the startups! 


We want to shine a spotlight on your business, the one you fall asleep thinking about, the one that keeps you busy 6am-6pm everyday all day! We see you ;) 


If you're a passionate startup owner (which means you are in year 1-3) and heck maybe you’ve RE-STARTED… .and you love what you do, we want to hear from you! Fill out this form and let us celebrate your accomplishments with the world.

WHY We Should Celebrate Our WINS

Success stories are not just meant to be read—they're meant to inspire and guide others on their entrepreneurial journey. 


Celebrating money and sales isn't just about the cha-ching moments; it's about reveling in the wins, big or small. We're talking about those fist-pump-worthy moments when your hard work translates into $$$$. And you know what? It's totally cool to flaunt it! Sharing these successes openly not only creates a buzz of positive energy but also fosters a culture where wins are acknowledged and celebrated. So, let's pop the champagne, pat ourselves on the back, and shout it from the rooftops – because, hey, we earned it! 


In the grand scheme of business, celebrating money and sales is like giving a big, collective high-five to the entire team. It's the secret sauce that keeps the vibe upbeat, the morale high, and the office shenanigans a little more fun. Let's celebrate together and inspire a new wave of entrepreneurs to reach greater heights. Together, we can build a community that thrives on openness, support, and the joy of shared success.


When you fill in the form - we’ll ask you specific questions about your business, your idea, why you are so excited about it, some of your positives and of course the negatives. 


Why are we doing this? To show women all over that if they have an idea – they SHOULD follow it. We want to inspire others and CELEBRATE YOU – because your business should have a spotlight on it.


Fill in the Startup form here.

Fill out the form and our team will send a proposal!